Tuesday, October 06, 2009


put these pieces together. this is how i've been.

point a: there are not enough long, hot baths in my life.

two: if you want to get to the "root" of probability trees, you'll discover that my co-worker is an asshat.

point b: logic is too similar to math for me to handle gracefully. i'll get the answers right on the test in the end, but only by way of magic and luck.

four: deer are terrifying. not pretty, people. terrifying. they charge at you while you're riding your bike at dusk, knock you down and then stand there laughing at you. seriously.

point c: i am wound tighter than pin curls right now.

point d-f: i miss crappy german television.

six: something keeps me procrastinating on sending a letter to the Diass family. I missed Anna's birthday. I feel horrible.

point j: the terrible secret in my life is that i don't like cupcakes. or any kind of cake, really, for that matter.