Friday, January 29, 2010

mystery pizza and ikea pizza. INDEED!

There have been two pizza encounters since I last met with you, my dears.

I've been holding off on reviewing one, however, because there was a small failing on my part.

You see...last Friday, I certainly ate pizza. In fact, I ate a LOT of pizza. And it was truly delicious pizza, with many interesting toppings...but...but...

I don't remember where the pizza came from or what was on it. I was hanging out with a bunch of friends and we were stoned as hell watching Jennifer's Body and hating and loving Diablo Cody at the same time and drinking lots of dark rum with ginger beer and so...aside from knowing that when Megan Fox's character dies, her last words are "My tit!" I don't remember many details from the night. But, the pizza was delicious. I think...

Anyhow. Today (also a Friday. Maybe I should strive to eat pizza EVERY SINGLE FRIDAY from here on out) , work was pretty dull, so Matt and I headed to IKEA, with vague purposes in mind. We kind of wanted Choklad, kinda wanted a lamp, kinda just wanted to kill time. And lo and behold, Ikea sells pizza. We all know that no pizza shall be denied, so I lunched on a cheese slice with a pop for only 2.50. I love you, Ikea.

How was it you ask? Uh...awful. Duh. It had been sitting for awhile, it was very greasy, the sauce was dark and sweet, the cheese congealed (but it had a nice blend of spices strewn on top, surprisingly...) and the crust thick, yet cardboard-like. But, it was cheap, and I ate it, and I'm happy about it. Plus, now I have a sack of singoalla cookies, choklads, and tunnbroet. So there.

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